Children, Youth and Families

Our Children, Youth and Families team supports and enables churches in their youth and children's ministry and organises wider-scale events.
You can read the latest newsletter here.
Meet the team
Rachel Bunting

Rachel is the Bishop's Officer for Family Ministry for the Afon Tawe/Swansea Area Deanery. She is based in St Thomas and has been in post since August 2016. Rachel writes the weekly newsletter and produces Sunday Stream All-Age worship and Toddler Songs and Stories videos. She has particular experience with schools, all-age worship, youth camps, and youth groups, and is an Open the Book and County Lines trainer. Rachel was ordained in 2013 in Llandaff Diocese. She has a BD (Hons) and an MTh, and is working towards her PhD.
You can contact Rachel at RachelBunting@churchinwales.org.uk
Find Rachel on Facebook
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Clare Morgan

Clare is the Bishop’s Officer for Children, Youth & Families for the Greater Brecon Deanery. She is based in Brecon and has been in post since August 2017. Clare produces the Wild Country Kids materials and runs activity days - both virtual and physical. She has particular experience with mentoring teenagers, church choirs, marketing and social media, ecumenical work, uniformed groups and creating local partnerships. She has an interest in Churches Count on Nature, Outdoor Church and Fresh Expressions.
Clare is an Open the Book and County Lines Trainer. She has a BA (Hons), a PGDip, and an MA.
You can contact Clare at claremorgan@churchinwales.org.uk
Find Clare on Facebook
Find Clare on Twitter
Find Clare on Instagram
Sian Parkhouse

Sian is the Children, Youth and Families Officer for the Greater Gower Deanery. She is based in Killay and has been in post since August 2017. Sian produces the Fish Tales magazine and volunteers at The Lamplighter Christian bookshop in Bishopston. She has experience with all ages, but particularly with toddler groups, holiday clubs, Sunday schools, and Senco support. Sian is an Open the Book trainer and experienced in Godly Play. She is currently studying for an MA.
Sian can be contacted at sianparkhouse@churchinwales.org.uk
Find Sian on Facebook
Siân Smith

Siân is the Children, Youth and Families Officer for the Deanery of Radnor and Builth. She is based in Loughor and has been in post since December 2019. Siân is a fluent Welsh speaker and produces the bilingual Cymnuned Bach magazines. She is also a qualified teacher, a licensed lay worship leader and a licensed lay youth leader. She has particular experience in youth work and ecumenical work. She is a County Lines trainer and is part of the Children’s Ministry Network. Siân has a degree in Educational Studies, a PGCert and is currently studying for an MA.
Sian is currently on Maternity leave, if you require support then please contact one of the other Bishop’s Officer’s for Children, Youth and Families
Sunday schools, tots groups and Messy Church sessions may have been cancelled but our Children, Youth and Families officers have been busy putting together some resources to keep children entertained. Click here to find out more.