Ministry Area resources

Our resources
Three of our resources are available here online you to use. We are also developing a resource area which will be available to anyone in a leadership role within the diocese.
The 12 headings
One of our core documents is ‘the 12 headings’ which describe our aspirations as to how a ministry area will look in terms of relating to its communities, worship, discipleship, outreach, leadership and infrastructure.
Missional communities bible studies
We produced a set of five bible studies, written by Rev Canon Ian Rees, which were printed and made available across the diocese. These are now available to download here in PDF format. The topics covered in Missional communities are: a vibrant church, organised for mission, growing as disciples, the heart of the community, so what can we give. They can be used with small groups or as an individual.
A welcome for all resource
As part of a series of practical ‘how to’ resources we created and printed A welcome for all. It is now available to download here in PDF format. It is a simple audit worksheet that helps you assess where you are and what steps you might want to take in the future as you welcome both old and new to your churches.
Ideas Exchange Facebook Group
We run a Facebook Group for those with leadership roles in the diocese, which provides resources as well as links to websites, online workshops and discussions. Its focus initially was to provide resources for churches during lockdown: it continues to do that as well as providing support more widely for ministry. This group is available to all those within our diocese in any form of leadership role. You can find the group here: