Continuing Ministerial Development

Welcome to the Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD) page for the Diocese for Swansea and Brecon. On this page you will find some information concerning CMD in our diocese. If there is anything that you want to know, but you can’t find it here, then do contact the Bishop’s Officer for Training and Ministerial Development, Canon Tim Hewitt, on 01639 842257 or 0793 804 0348 or or The Vicarage, Glanyrafon, Ystalyfera. Swansea. SA9 2EP.
This page contains information about CMD events (which are usually called Clergy Synods), CMD Grants, Ministerial Development Review, useful Ministry Development publications and the recent Ministry Report called Faithful Stewards.
Clergy Synods
Under normal circumstances, Clergy Synods are normally held three times a year (March, July, November) at different locations across the diocese (Llandrindod Wells, Brecon, Swansea). Licenced Clergy are expected to attend these days as part of their Terms of Service. Other days may be held, especially when there are changes or developments affecting the day-to-day work of the clergy.
The next Clergy Synod in the Diocesan Calendar is on July 6th, and will be conducted by Zoom from 11.30 am to 1.30 pm. The subject will be the recently published Faithful Stewards Report concerning the future of ministry.
The next in person Clergy Synod will be on Tuesday 9th November 2021 in Brecon on the subject of Life Events and will be led by Dr Sandra Millar.
CMD Grants for Licensed Clergy
Some money is put aside every year to assist Licensed Clergy in their ministerial development and Licensed Clergy are encouraged to apply for assistance. Generally speaking, applications should reflect Diocesan Vision and Strategic Aims.
A copy of the application form can be downloaded here:
There are other sources of finance available to Licensed Clergy according to different circumstances and administered by different bodies, so if the CMD Grant may not be sufficient, or if your need doesn’t seem to fit the bill, do ask for further avenues to explore.
Ministerial Development Review
The new Ministerial Development Review (MDR) Scheme is now up and running. General details about the MDR Scheme can be found on the St Padarn’s Website here:
Each diocese has a specific set of forms as each diocese will have circumstances unique to it or will have specific topics to be explored unique to it.
An English copy of the form can be downloaded here:
A Welsh copy of the form can be downloaded here:
The new MDR Scheme generally works along the lines of the person immediately above you in the way the diocese is organized being the person who will conduct your review. However, it is acknowledged that for various reasons this may not be the best way to conduct the review. Consequently, other reviewers have been recruited by the diocese because they have good working experience of conducting workplace reviews in their own working lives and because they are committed church people. Another difference is that from now on, reviews will be conducted whether they are particularly timely or not; that is to say, a review cannot be constantly delayed. What seems untimely may be of help in addressing any issues a cleric faces at a given time. The flip side of this is that as the new scheme has taken a long time to finally arrive, any Licenced Cleric who would like to undergo a review sooner than later is welcome to ask for this to happen. For example, MDR is noted on the ‘Safe to Receive’ documentation of clergy who move from one diocese to another.
The Bishop’s Officer for Training and Ministerial Development co-ordinates the MDR Scheme and informs both the cleric and their reviewer that a review is to be undertaken.
Useful Publications for clergy concerning Continuing Ministerial Development
Truth be told, the term CMD can be meaningless out of the cleric’s ministry context, but here are some publications in recent years that clergy might find useful in reflecting upon their own ministry. The books below are listed alphabetically by author or editor. Other written resources are around, so do ask for something more focused if you are searching…
Loveday Alexander & Christopher Cocksworth (Eds), Faithful Improvisation? Theological Reflections on Church Leadership (2016). Church House Publishing. This book is essentially work commissioned by the Church of England as it contains a report on leadership commissioned by the Cof E, but also includes a series of chapters reflecting on leadership in the Apostolic Period; Leadership in the light of St Benedict; Leadership and the Reformation; Changing models of Episcopacy in recent centuries and Evangelical models of Leadership.
Stephen Cottrell, On Priesthood (2020) Hodder and Stoughton. The Archbishop of York asks us to reflect on the main metaphors of Servants, Shepherds, Messengers, Sentinels and Stewards amongst the countless now to be found in Ordinals.
Neil Evans, Developing in Ministry (2012) SPCK. Neil Evans covers a wide range of important topics and issues for a cleric as they minister alongside their people. The book aims to help the cleric know themselves better and those in their congregations better so that the ministry of all concerned develops.
Keith Lamdin, Finding your leadership Style (2012). Keith Lamdin considers some of the metaphors that exist in the minds of clergy and their congregations and how the differing expectations of both may be addressed.
Tim Ling (Ed), Moving on in Ministry (2013) Church House Publishing. This book is a series of essays considering what change means within the context of ministry and to what extent this means a move for clergy or a development of where they stay.
Michael Sadgrove, Wisdom and Ministry (2008) SPCK. Michael Sadgrove seeks to challenge some of the commonly held beliefs about Christian Ministry by drawing upon the sense of vocation found within the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament and key wisdom figures within the Old Testament.
Graham Tomlin, The Widening Circle (2014) SPCK. As the name of the book suggests, Graham Tomlin considers the Priesthood of Christ; questions concerning priesthood; the priesthood of humanity, the Church and its ministers; priestly leadership.
The Faithful Stewards Report
The Standing Doctrinal Commission of the Church in Wales has produced a report called Faithful Stewards in a Changing Church - Understanding Ordained Ministry in Light of the 2020 Vision.
As the report states, it is ‘a collection of essays that are intended to help us to see from where we have come, to take stock of where we find ourselves in the present, and try to discern where we should be heading.’ The report can be found here.
Details of interviews about the report and opportunities to take part in questions and comments about the report during April, May and June 2021 can be found here:
A Study Guide version of the report with questions for further reflection and discussion can be found here.
Canon Tim Hewitt
Bishop’s Officer for Training and Ministerial Development