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Bishops ask for God’s blessing on King Charles III

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English content

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The Bishops of the Church in Wales warmly welcome King Charles III and ask for God’s blessing on him as he is proclaimed King. Their full statement follows.

Welsh content

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As we welcome the new King to his place as Head of State, we are mindful that this occasion is a time of great personal sadness for him and for the Royal Family, as well as the nation, and they are in our prayers. However, we are confident that the example of Her late Majesty will be an inspiration and a guide for the future. We invite God’s blessing on our new King, giving thanks for the late Queen’s reign, while asking God to uphold our new monarch in the same spirit of wisdom, service and faith for the years to come.

Text block 3

The Archbishop of Wales, who will be in attendance at the Proclamation at Caernarfon Castle tomorrow (Sunday) said: “As Prince of Wales, the King has always been a good friend to our Nation and to the Church in Wales. I and my fellow bishops will hold him and the whole Royal Family in our prayers.”