
Words on this page


‘Diocese’ refers to the geographical territory in which a bishop exercises oversight. The Church in Wales is divided into six dioceses each with its own cathedral in which is housed the cathedra (the bishop’s ‘chair’ or ‘throne’).


‘Evangelion’ means ‘good news’. Evangelism is about sharing the good news of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection in the hope that others may come to believe in and follow Jesus.

Home Resources Finance Mission grants

Mission grants

Funding Priorities and Practicalities

The Diocesan Funding Committee (DFC) manages applications for the Mission Fund.

The Mission Fund exists to help Ministry Areas engage in new mission projects that reflect the Diocesan Vision: “A family, rooted in Christ, committed to transforming lives by: Gathering as God’s people, Growing more like Jesus, Going out in the power of the Spirit”. At the heart of this mission-shaped vision is the commitment to seeing lives transformed; this is therefore the fundamental priority on which funding will be based.

Applications will be considered for new projects and to allow pilot schemes to test new initiatives. This can include staffing roles such as youth workers, Ministry Area Administrators etc, with the understanding that after the first year of funding the project will have to provide its own support for sustainability.

Funding will only be provided to existing projects if it is for new strands of work or activities, or if the project is being expanded in a meaningful way.

The Diocese seeks to encourage the transformation of existing congregations through discipleship; by developing worship and welcome; by increasing confidence in sharing faith; and by making better use of church buildings.

The Diocese wishes to support congregations in their proclamation of the gospel and in the making and nurturing of new disciples.

The Diocese is committed to helping churches and Ministry Areas to transform the wider community by service that meets local needs. It is hoped that projects will extend the local church’s engagement with people and groups, and introduce Christ in such a way that people may have the opportunity to consider following him.

It is important that churches/ministry areas consider a journey which encourages people to engage with the Church and to become Christians, for example what would evangelism and discipleship look like in the context of the project or, if it’s funding for a practical resource/s being applied for, how does the resource help facilitate evangelism and discipleship.

The Mission Fund is also open to eco-friendly/climate change initiatives and church school projects that connect with local church.

The Mission Fund does not provide funding for building work or refurbishments to church buildings; the Churches and Pastoral Committee has a fund that churches can apply to for building work. The Diocesan Office can also compile reports of external funders that could potentially help you with other funding streams for capital projects. Please contact the Diocesan Office for more details.

Funding Priorities & Practicalities

How to apply

There are 4 levels of grant that can be applied for:

Fast Track Grants: £100 - £500

Fast Track Grant application form

  • Simplified application form
  • Required to provide a signature from your Ministry Area Leader agreeing the project

Initiatives with projected costs of between £100 and £500 may be funded up to 100% of the total cost.

Small Grants: £500 - £1,000

Small grant application form

  • Required to provide a copy of the MAC minute agreeing the project

Initiatives with projected costs of between £500 and £1,000 may be funded up to 100% of the total cost.

Medium Grants: £1,001 - £10,000

Medium Grant application form

  • Extended application form
  • Required to provide a copy of the MAC minute agreeing the project.
  • If the application is for a grant towards employment costs, a copy of the job description is required

Projects which fall in this category may be funded up to 2/3 of the total cost; however, the Committee expects applications to be at least 1/3 match funded from other sources.

Large Grants: over £10,000

Large Grant application form

  • Extended application form
  • Required to provide a copy of the MAC minute agreeing the project.
  • Required to provide a project plan. Guidelines on ‘Writing a Project Plan’ are enclosed with the application form.
  • If the application is for a grant towards employment costs, a copy of the job description is required

Projects which fall in this category may be funded up to 1/2 of the total cost; however, the Committee expects applications to be at least 1/2 match funded from other sources.

Help & Advice

If you require any assistance in completing the application form, or have any further questions, help is available from the Diocesan Centre:

Tel: 01874 623 716  

Email: diocese.swanbrec@churchinwales.org.uk