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Campaign launches to tackle impact of Wales’ cost of living crisis

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People suffering the 'devastating' impact of the cost of living crisis will be helped by a campaign launched by the Church in Wales.The Food and Fuel campaign will address the causes of food and fuel poverty by putting pressure on the Government to address the spiraling costs which is forcing families to choose between heating or eating.With foodbanks across Wales struggling to meet the increasing demands for donations, the campaign includes an open letter to all supermarkets calling on them to increase their range of basic essential items and to donate more items to food distribution charities.The Food and Fuel campaign launches with a microsite campaign hub which includes campaign videos, social media graphics and resources for churches to help them support those in need in their community. The Food and Fuel Hub will be the Church in Wales’ one-stop-shop for anyone wishing to join the campaign.A series of public lectures exploring the biblical and theological imperative of responding to the cost of living crisis is planned for later this year. Speakers confirmed include the Bishop Barry Morgan, former Archbishop of Wales, Welsh theologian Canon Trystan Hughes and Steve Chalke MBE, founder of Oasis Charitable Trust.Announcing the launch of Food and Fuel campaign, The Archbishop of Wales Andrew John said, “Our churches are witnessing first-hand the devastating impact of the cost-of-living crisis in Wales’ communities. With more and more people struggling to make ends meet, the collective voice of the Church in Wales is best placed to advocate on their behalf.“It is scandalous that foodbanks were only intended to be a short-term emergency service but have now become an essential part of everyday life for so many. I find it outrageous that as the 6th largest economy in the world, the UK has so many families living in poverty and so many people struggling to pay for food and heating.”The Archbishop is calling on all churches to join the Food and Fuel campaign, “As Christians we are a called to speak out against poverty. Our mission in Wales is to live out the gospel message of hope, justice and love. We are a church for all who struggle to make ends meet. We are a church for those who are forced to choose between eating or heating.“Together we can raise our voice and campaign for change. It is our duty to be a channel of God’s love in the world.”You can join the campaign here.

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