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About the Friends

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English content

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The Friends of Brecon Cathedral are a registered charity which works with the Cathedral Chapter to provide financial support for work of the Cathedral. Historic churches across Wales and England face straitened times, and sadly Brecon Cathedral is no exception. The Friends, therefore, play an essential part in preserving the historic building and in ensuring that the worship, choral music, and ministry of the Cathedral continue to prosper. The Friends also are a focus for community in which people from all of the world can connect and share their love for the Cathedral. They are invited to organised events, trips, and talks, and to become part of a community of friendship and support. Friends also act as goodwill ambassadors for the Cathedral.

Welsh content

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Since the Friends were founded in 1930, it has contributed generously to projects large and small, and has considerably enhanced the life, fabric, and worship of Brecon Cathedral.Recent contributions have included:Support for the Mind Ecotherapy group's work in the Cathedral groundsInstallation of the Cathedral kitchen and toiletsRenovating the Lychgate entrance to the Cathedral.