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Radio Wales show focuses on church’s eco journey

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A Llangors church’s journey to an Eco Church Bronze Award will be featured on this Sunday’s Radio Wales programme Country Focus.St Paulinus Church earned its award last year and has been planning more initiatives for when the lockdown is eased.Eco team member Kath Johnson said: “I hope that showing what can be done, even by a small church like ours, will be good publicity for Eco Church in Swansea and Brecon and will encourage other churches to register and work towards an award.“Caroline Evans came here on the day following St David's Day and, as she pointed out, our approach of small steps rather than big projects was in line with St David's advice to 'do the little things'.”The programme is on Radio Wales at 7am on Sunday and will be available after broadcast here.You can find out more about St Paulinus’ Eco Church award here.

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