
For the last couple of years we have had a good number of people being ordained and this year was no different but we are still looking to talk to people who are thinking that God has a particular ministry in mind for them, whether that be to ordained or lay ministry.
We have recently had some new members of the vocations team. Revd Justin Davies will look after Licensed Lay Ministry and Revd Anthony Porter will look after the Commissioned Lay Ministries. The definition of Licensed or Commissioned can be a little confusing ! Basically, Licensed Ministries are those ministries for which a Provincial License is issued and Commissioned Ministries are where a Certificate is issued for you to exercise a particular ministry in a Parish or Ministry Area.
Some examples of these ministries are :
Licensed : Reader, Evangelist, Licensed Pastoral Worker, Licensed Families, Children and Youth Worker, Pioneer Ministers (Lay)
Commissioned : Lay Pastoral Visitor, Worship Leader, Eucharistic Assistant
We are very happy to talk to those who are not really clear as to where God might be calling them at this time and would also welcome discussions with people who are thinking about ordained ministry. As with Lay Ministry there are various ways of exercising Ordained Ministry including :
Stipendiary (Full time), Non Stipendiary (but serving where the Bishop asks you to serve), Non Stipendiary (Local) (where a more local ministry will be exercised in your Parish or Ministry Area). There are also some Pioneer Ministers who can be stipendiary or non-stipendiary.
The Church in Wales faces some challenges at the moment but also has many opportunities and being involved in ministry within the Church is exciting and fulfilling. It is also an incredible privilege. That ministry can be exercised in countless different ways and you don’t need a piece of paper to do lots of it, but if you’re thinking God might be calling you to one of the roles mentioned here then please talk to someone.
A good place to start is with your local Vicar but don’t hesitate to get in touch with any of the Vocations team if you want to talk some more.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Revd Lance Sharpe, Diocesan Director of Ordinands and Vocations
Tel : 01597 811003 Email : priest.gwastedyn@gmail.com
Revd Justin Davies, Warden of Readers
Tel : 01792 391384 Email : justindavies26@gmail.com
Revd Anthony Porter, Bishop’s Officer for Lay Ministry
Tel : 01792 790606 Email : a-porter38@sky.com