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Digital Ministry webinar to focus on Remembrance

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St Padarn’s will be discussing Digital Ministry: Remembrance with Rev Canon Dr Sandra Millar, Head of Life Events for the Church of England, as part of the Digital Ministry Webinar Series.There are few people who haven’t been touched by loss of some kind this year. Rev Canon Dr Sandra Millar explores how the church can help people to remember those who have died, particularly around All Souls' Day and Remembrance Sunday. This webinar provides practical advice for finding new ways to be there for people, even though our usual patterns of worship may not be possible.The webinar, on October 7 at 11am, is free to attend and will be made up of approximately 45 minutes of presentation, followed by approximately 30 minutes of questions and answers.You can register for your place as well as view any previous webinars you may have missed (including handouts) at:

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