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Sharing the joyful worship of our church communities

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During Lockdown that spanned 2020 into 2021 many churches became adept at producing weekly online worship either recorded or live streamed. This was so well received and provided a life-line for our fellow Christians who could not worship together. We also discovered that our online worship was reaching out to so many other people far and wide and especially with those who had little or no connection with church.Since life has returned to some state of normality there has been a fall away in recorded worship but I have noticed that both our friends in the CofE and the Mothers’ Union have continued to produce content that is broadcast on a regular basis.The purpose of this video is to encourage us as a Diocese to consider again out commitment to reaching out by any means to bring the Gospel message to as many people as possible either through our diocesan website, our diocesan socials or at a more local level the many websites and social media platforms our churches have as Ministry Areas and individual churches.We would like to encourage you to produce short acts of worship with prayers, a reading and a short reflection or even something more formal in whatever context and church culture you find yourselves in: rural or urban, outdoors or indoors, lay or ordained, it does not matter.What we are looking for is simply to increase our presence online in a way that brings the breadth and variety of our church life across the Diocese to as many people as possible and to allow them to be faithful Christians when they cannot attend church or also for those who rarely attend but want to discover more about our faith in a world in which people are reaching out for an encounter with something spiritual. Let us help them find it within the sincere and joyful worship of our church communities.If you have any questions then do contact Eryl Jones myself or 01792232928.Archdeacon Peter Brooks