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Music at Hay’s St Mary’s Church

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The Solem Quartet, described as one of the most innovative and adventurous quartets of its generation, will be performing at St Mary’s Church in Hay-on-Wye next week.Amy Tress – violin, William Newell – violin, Stephen Upshaw – viola and Stephanie Tress – cello, make a welcome return to Hay to play Henriëtte Bosmans: String Quartet (1927); Béla Bartók: Quartet No. 2; Ludwig van Beethoven: Quartet in A minor.The concert will take place on Friday, April 14 at 7pm. Tickets, at £20 with under-25s £10, are available at www.haymusic.orgOn Saturday, May 13, St Mary’s will be hosting the National Opera Studio Gala concert, featuring highlights from the worlds of opera, operetta and lieder featuring music by Mozart, Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti, Weber, Tosti, Duparc, Johann Strauss, Richard Strauss, Schumann, Stanford, Vaughan Williams, Britten, Bernstein and Sullivan.The National Opera Studio is the leading opera training organisation in the UK. It offers intensive and bespoke professional training for free to a small number of exceptional opera singers and repetiteurs who have the potential to become the leading artists of their generation. The Studio works in partnership with the UK’s leading opera companies and the Studio’s young artists work closely with leading directors, conductors and opera orchestras to prepare opera scenes for public performance, as well as working with other artists who are leaders in their field.The concert starts at 7pm and tickets, costing £17.50 (Under 25s – £8.75) and full programme details at are available at Mary's will also be hosting a series of events as part of the Hay Festival, including BBC Radio 3’s Lunchtime Concerts.On Friday, May 26, Fr Richard will be performing a live accompaniment on the Bevington organ to the classic 1920 German silent horror film The Cabinet of Dr Caligari.Saturday, May 27: Cellist-singer and environmental activist Sarah Smout’s solo show EyjarMonday, May 29: BBC Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert 1: The Carducci QuartetMonday, May 29: The Orchestra of the Age of EnlightenmentTuesday, May 30: BBC Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert 2: Soraya Mafi and Ian TindaleWednesday, May 31: BBC Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert 3: Charles OwenThursday, June 1: BBC Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert 4: The Amatis TrioThursday, June 1: Earth Song Project: Sounds That Reflect Natural MurmurationsMore information about all the events is available here.

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