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Treasures from Wales’ cathedrals revealed in new book

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Brecon Cathedral’s Norman font is among the treasures from Wales’ cathedrals showcased in a new book.The stories of 50 remarkable artefacts, preserved by the cathedrals of the Church in Wales and the Church of England, feature in the book, called Deans’ Choice: Cathedral Treasures of England and Wales. Each treasure was chosen and described by the Dean, or senior clergy, of the cathedral featured and the book was compiled by Janet Gough, a Canon of Saint Deiniol’s Cathedral in Bangor. Introducing the book, Janet, who is a lecturer and advisor on historic churches and cathedrals, says, “Covering so many different crafts and skills over a timespan of more than 1,000 years, the book pays homage to the generations of craftspeople responsible for creating and maintaining cathedrals as we know them today.” Deans’ Choice: Cathedral Treasures in England and Wales is published by Scala Arts & Heritage Publishers, price £14.95, ISBN: 978-1-78551-453-1 Order from:

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