Gift Direct

As part of the Church in Wales' response to the Covid pandemic it has developed online tools to help you manage your donation to your church or parish. You can choose where the donation goes, how much to donate and how regularly you would like to give.
- Start donating to your church or parish
- Add a new donation if you are an existing donor
- Amend your existing donation to your church or parish
- Cease your donation to your church or parish
By giving, you will be supporting us in our work across Wales, including:
- Clergy and training across the country
- Pastoral visits to vulnerable people
- Confirmation courses
- Comfort for the bereaved
- Every baptism offered
- Every sermon preached
- Every eucharist celebrated
- The ministry and mission of the Church in every community.
Gift Aid
You may also Gift Aid your donation.
Gift Direct is the way that the Church in Wales manages Gift Aid donations. Gift Aid is a UK tax incentive that enables tax-effective giving by individuals to charities in the United Kingdom. Setting up a Gift Direct payment is a way that you can directly help the work of the Church at a local or national level.
With Gift Direct:
- You, the giver, are always in control
- Managing donations is easier for you and your church
- There are no last-minute scrambles for spare change or a cheque book
- Churches get a regular monthly amount which helps planning
If you are taxpayer, Gift Aid can be claimed – increasing the value of your donation. For more details on how the Gift Direct system operates, please download the Gift Direct Leaflet (PDF), see our FAQs or contact
Gift Direct is administered by the Representative Body of the Church in Wales, which is a registered charity. Registered Charity Number 1142813.