Musikverein Grombach Band at the cathedral

The Musikverein Grombach Band from Bad Rappenau, Llandrindod Wells’ twin town in Germany, will be performing a concert in Brecon Cathedral on Saturday, 1 October at 1pm. The Musikverein Grombach eV is a music society founded in 1956. The club, which started out small, has now grown to over 90 active musicians who are distributed among the three orchestras, the MVG Wind Orchestra, the MVG Youth Orchestra and the MVG Big Band.
The music club encourages young members and the group visiting Mid Wales comprises a number of youngsters as part of a dynamic wind orchestra who play a wide repertoire including music from the shows, pop and rock. Llandrindod Wells and Area Twinning Association is facilitating the visit of the group which will be the first exchange since the Covid 19 restrictions were lifted. The Mayor of Llandrindod Wells Councillor Laurence Weerdmeester-Price said it will be good to welcome back members of the Musikverein Grombach Band who had a successful visit to Mid Wales in 2016. The visit will help cement the friendship between to two communities and it is good to see a large number of young musicians will be part of the group.
Entry to the concert will be free with a retiring collection for Brecon Cathedral.