'Marvellous celebration' as Mavis joins Anna Chaplaincy
There is a new member of the Anna Chaplaincy team in Wales.
Mavis Martin was commissioned as the new Anna Chaplain in Bridgend, and the first Anna Chaplain for the Pentecostal denomination.
Anna Chaplaincy Lead in Wales, Rev'd Sally Rees, joined Mavis's family and well-wishers in the congregation at her local church Emmanuel' Christchurch, Bridgend.
"It was wonderful to be with Mavis Martin for her commissioning as Anna Chaplain for Bridgend,"Sally said. "She was commissioned by her pastor Vernon King. I gave the address, preaching on Mark 12: 42 - 44 - the story of the widow's mite.
"It was all a marvellous celebration of Anna Chaplaincy ministry. Her church family are very warm and supportive."