Criteria for Selection for Ordained Ministry in the Church in Wales
Criterion A: Vocation
Candidates should be able to articulate a sense of vocation to the ordained ministry and reflect on the effect of this on their life. They should be able to speak of the development of their inner conviction and the extent to which others have confirmed it. They should be able to show an understanding of what it means to be a deacon or a priest. Their sense of vocation should be obedient, realistic and informed.
A 1: Candidates should have an inner sense of call
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Display conviction, commitment and tenacity in his/her vocational journey and an openness to whatever God may have in store for the future
- Reflect upon his/her own inner sense of call, identifying the motivation, the key turning points and the significant people and events in its development
A 2: Candidates’ calling should be confirmed by others
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Show that those in their local church and those who know him/her well are supportive and affirming of his/her vocation
- Reflect on what it has meant to him/her to have his/her call affirmed by others
A 3: Candidates should be able to show how their vocation has changed them
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Reflect upon the effect that his/ her vocation has had upon him/her, especially in his/ her relationship with God and with others, and in his/her perceptions of the world
A 4: Candidates’ vocation should be obedient
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Demonstrate clearly that s/he understands the importance of being open and obedient to the needs of the Church in terms of his/her future deployment
- Show that s/he is prepared to allocate the necessary time and energy to undertake the demands of ministerial training
- Reflect upon the effect that sacrifice may have played and may continue to play in his/ her being obedient to his/her calling
A 5: Candidates’ vocation should be informed
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Display an understanding of the nature and role of the ordained ministry for which he/she has been sponsored, especially in the light of the Ordinal (as published in1662, 1984, 2005)
- Reflect on the way patterns of ministry are changing and what that might mean for how ministry is exercised
A 6: Candidates’ vocation should be realistic
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Demonstrate that s/he fulfils the other eight Criteria for Selection so that his/ her vocation is seen to be realistic and deliverable; and that s/he has the potential to exercise the ministry for which s/he has been sponsored
Criterion B: Ministry within the Church in Wales
Candidates should show an understanding of their own tradition within the Church in Wales, an awareness of the diversity of traditions and practice, and a commitment to learn from and work generously with difference. They should be able to speak of the distinctiveness of ordained ministry within the Church in Wales and of what it means to exercise public ministry. They should be able to reflect on changes in contemporary society and the implications of this for ministry and the Church.
B 1: Candidates should have knowledge and understanding of the Church in Wales
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Show knowledge and understanding of the life and structures of the Church in Wales, including its place in the life of the nation and the Anglican Communion
- Reflect upon what is distinctive about the Church in Wales and its contribution to Welsh culture
- Demonstrate an understanding of the place of the Welsh language in Church and culture
- Display an awareness of the opportunities and challenges that the Church faces in engaging with contemporary society, especially here in Wales
- Reflect on the role played by scripture, tradition and reason within the heritage and contemporary life of the Church in Wales
B 2: Candidates should display commitment to the Church in Wales
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Show willingness to work within the Church in Wales as it is and as it evolves
- Reflect upon what it is about the Church in Wales to which s/he feels committed
- Understand the authority structures within the Church in Wales, particularly the role of
the bishops; and to be clear that s/he is able to accept the discipline that canonical obedience would bring
B 3: Candidates should have an understanding of ministry within the Church in Wales
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Show an understanding of the public representative nature of ordained ministry and how it is lived out within the local community
- Reflect on the opportunities for ministry through the occasional offices of baptisms, weddings and funerals
- Show an understanding of, and commitment to, the ministry of the whole People of God
B 4: Candidates should show willingness to work with diversity within the Church in Wales
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Understand, value and respect the diversity of approaches to theology, ministry, mission and liturgical practice within the Church in Wales
- Display a spirit of generosity, respect and flexibility towards those from different Anglican traditions and perspectives
- Be willing to work ecumenically and in partnership with those from other Christian Churches especially within the Covenant and Cytun and be prepared to relate to those of other Faiths and none
Criterion C: Spirituality
Candidates should show evidence of a commitment to a spiritual discipline, which involves individual and corporate prayer and worship. They should be committed to a developing pattern of disciplined prayer, Bible study and the regular receiving of Holy Communion. They should be able to show how they discern God’s activity in their life, how their spiritual practice may have changed over time and how it is changing them. They should be able to reflect on how engagement with the world and others both affects, and is affected by, their practice of prayer. Their spiritual practice should be able to sustain and energise them in daily life and future ministry.
C 1: Candidates should have a disciplined personal pattern of prayer
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Reveal a growing, vibrant and joyful relationship with God
- Show a disciplined, structured and realistic pattern of prayer that sustains him/ her daily
- Engage in personal Bible reading and study and to be spiritually nourished by it
- Be prepared to seek the support of others for their spiritual growth and development
C 2: Candidates should faithfully participate in corporate worship
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Show a disciplined and regular pattern of corporate worship in the life of a church, including the regular receiving of Holy Communion
- Reflect on how worship with others affects him/her
C 3: Candidates’ spirituality should be developing
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Show how his/her spirituality has changed and is transforming them
- Demonstrate how his/her spirituality is developing and deepening
- Reflect on how his/her experience of the nature and presence of God has changed
over the years
C 4: Candidates’ spirituality should be world-engaging
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Demonstrate how his/her spiritual life informs his/her relationships with others and his/ her wider engagement with the world
- Reflect on how s/he discerns God’s presence and activity in the lives of others and in the wider world
Criterion D: Personality and Character
Candidates should be sufficiently self-aware, mature and stable to show that they are able to sustain the demanding role of an ordained minister. They should be able to demonstrate how they have faced change and pressure in a balanced and flexible way and how they manage stress. Candidates should be seen to be people of integrity who can generate trust and display honesty. They should be able to speak of how they have coped with difficult life experiences, how they have reflected upon them and incorporated them within their life and understanding.
D 1: Candidates should display self-awareness and self-acceptance
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Reflect accurately upon his/her strengths and weaknesses; and identify ways in which his/her strengths may be used and ways in which the impact of his/her weaknesses may be limited
- Show appropriate self-acceptance and be reconciled to his/ her own vulnerabilities and limitations
- Show that he/she is relaxed and at ease with him/herself; and be able to reflect on him/herself with humour and a sense of perspective
D 2: Candidates should display emotional stability
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Assimilate and deal appropriately with negative or difficult life experiences
- Show sufficient integration of different aspects of self, including how s/he experiences
and manages anger and inner conflict
- Cope adequately with stress and have effective strategies for managing it
- Face change in a flexible and balanced way
D 3: Candidates should display maturity and integrity
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Generate trust and display honesty
- Learn from his/her own behaviour, including mistakes and errors of judgement
- Respond appropriately to, and learn from, criticism
- Reflect upon how s/he has encouraged and affirmed others
D 4: Candidates should display appropriate self-confidence
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Present themselves with self-confidence, tempered with humility, and to have the strength of character to stand up for what s/he perceives to be right, even if unpopular
D 5: Candidates should display stamina, robustness and resilience
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Show signs of the kind of stamina, robustness and resilience which would be expected if s/he were to cope with the demands and pressures of the ministry for which s/he has been sponsored
D 6: Candidates should display potential for self-development and growth
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Display an on-going history of personal growth and change
- Reflect on the importance of having a breadth of interests other than church life, which help him/her to grow and develop
Criterion E: Relationships
Candidates should show the capacity to build healthy personal, professional, and pastoral relationships. They should demonstrate an awareness of the need for, and ability to establish and sustain, appropriate boundaries between personal and professional life and within pastoral relationships. They should be able to manage conflict and show an ability to negotiate difficult relationships. Candidates should demonstrate good interpersonal skills, the willingness to learn from experience, and a commitment to building inclusive relationships within diversity. They should show the potential to exercise effective pastoral care.
E 1: Candidates should be able to develop healthy personal relationships
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Display that s/he has healthy, stable and supportive relationships such as to sustain him/her in training and into ministry
- Show an ability to balance the demands of important personal relationships and the demands of work, ministry or other commitments
- Reflect on ways in which s/he has come to terms with and (where possible) resolved problematic personal relationships
E 2: Candidates have the potential to develop healthy professional and pastoral relationships
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Form, develop and maintain healthy professional and pastoral relationships
- Maintain boundaries and confidentiality
- Manage conflict and learn from it
E 3: Candidates should be able to relate to people who are different from themselves
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Reflect upon what it means to be ‘one in Christ’ (cf. Galatians 3:28)
- Reflect on his/her behaviour, attitudes and commitment to oppose discrimination and injustice
- Demonstrate that s/he understands, respects, values and engages with difference in others including social, cultural, gender, ethnicity, disability, age and sexuality.
- Demonstrate that s/he is inclusive in engagement with people from diverse backgrounds and is able to reflect on the lessons learnt
E 4: Candidates should have the potential for exercising effective pastoral care
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Enjoy engaging with other people and be genuinely interested in them
- Be approachable, listen well and show empathy
- Be compassionate and be able to exercise appropriate pastoral care and sensitivity
- Exercise discernment and good judgement in understanding others
- Show a humility that speaks of the servant ministry of Christ
E 6: Candidates should be able to accept the standards of sexual morality expected of ordained ministers
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Demonstrate willingness to set an example of integrity in relationships; and (as appropriate) faithfulness in marriage and responsibility in parenthood and family life
- Reflect on how s/he will work with those with whom s/he differs in the area of sexual morality.
Criterion F: Leadership and Collaboration
Candidates should demonstrate an ability to offer leadership in the Church community and in the wider community as appropriate. This ability includes the capacity to offer an example of faith and discipleship which is inspiring to others and witnesses to the servanthood of Christ. They should show a commitment to identifying and nurturing the gifts of others and be able to collaborate effectively. Candidates should be able to identify their own leadership style, and reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of this and of the different ways in which leadership may be exercised within the Church. They should be able to be flexible and adaptable in leadership and demonstrate ability to guide and shape the life of the Church community in its mission to the world.
F 1: Candidates should display a knowledge and understanding of leadership
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Show a knowledge and an understanding of different styles of leadership
- Reflect on the distinctiveness of Christian leadership
- Reflect on the significance of contextual issues in leadership
F 2: Candidates should have potential for exercising leadership
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Reflect on the leadership skills which make an effective ordained minister
- Reflect accurately on his/her own leadership skills
- Have the potential to exercise leadership effectively and flexibly
- Reflect on his/her experience of delegating
- Reflect upon how s/he has encouraged and enabled the gifts of others
- Show that s/he can effectively chair and facilitate a group (this is evidenced at a
Provincial Selection Conference)
F 3: Candidates should have effective communication skills
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Communicate personally and persuasively in such a way as to engage and motivate others (this is evidenced at a Provincial Selection Conference))
- Communicate information clearly and effectively so that it is meaningful, relevant and understood within a group (this is evidenced at a Provincial Selection Conference))
- Communicate effectively in writing in a way that is clear and accessible (this is evidenced at a Provincial Selection Conference)
F 4: Candidates should show potential for collaborating with others
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Be an effective team player within a group: working effectively alongside others, encouraging and recognising the worth of others (this is evidenced at a Provincial Selection Conference))
- Work appropriately with those more or less able than him/herself
- Value and work with a diverse range of people
For candidates sponsored as having the potential to exercise ministry with incumbent responsibilities
F 5: Candidates should show potential for creative leadership
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity and potential to:
- Show initiative, drive and creativity in planning and implementing change
- Show adaptability, sensitivity and responsiveness during times of change
- Be entrepreneurial - forward looking, creative in their thinking and be able to grasp and
run with new ideas
- Reflect on a time when s/he took a calculated risk
F 6: Candidates should show potential for exercising team leadership
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity and potential to:
- Show an understanding of how teams operate
- Be discerning about the differing gifts of others
- Reflect on a time when s/he has affirmed and enabled others
Criterion G: Faith
Candidates should show an understanding of the Christian faith and a desire to deepen their understanding. They should demonstrate a personal commitment to Christ and a mature, robust faith which shapes their life and work. Candidates should show an ability to reflect critically on their faith and make connections between faith and contemporary life. They should demonstrate a capacity to communicate their faith engagingly and effectively.
G 1: Candidates should have a personal commitment to Christian faith
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Show a personal commitment to a relationship with Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord
- Have a deep and robust faith which has been able to wrestle with doubt,
disappointment and failure
- Live out the Gospel in who they are and what they do
- Discern God at work in his/ her life through times of joy and sorrow
G 2: Candidates should show a knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Have an understanding of, and a commitment to, the key beliefs of the Church as expressed in the scriptures and the creeds
- Show an understanding of the loving and saving purposes of God in Christ for the whole world
- Engage in critical reflection on his/her faith
- Reflect upon how his/her understanding of his/her faith has developed and is
- Reflect on those aspects of his/her faith that have been most challenging to him/her
G 3: Candidates should be able to communicate their faith effectively
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Give an account of what excites and enthuses him/her in his/her faith and which s/he would wish to share with others
- Articulate his/her faith naturally and effectively in ways that are balanced, appropriate, accessible and sensitive to the situation
G 4: Candidates should be able to respect and work with those whose understanding of Christian faith is different from their own
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Appreciate different perspectives on faith, doctrine and practice within the Church in Wales and to be able to engage with them
Criterion H: Mission and Evangelism
Candidates should demonstrate a personal commitment to mission that is reflected in thought, prayer and action. They should show a wide and inclusive understanding of mission and the strategic issues and opportunities within contemporary culture. Candidates should be able to articulate the good news of the Kingdom appropriately in differing contexts and speak of Jesus Christ in a way that is exciting, accessible, and attractive. They should enable others to develop their vocations as witnesses of the good news. They should show potential as leaders of mission.
H 1: Candidates should have a personal commitment to mission and evangelism
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Show how his/ her commitment to mission permeates his/her thought, prayer and action
- Show how s/he has participated in God’s mission and engaged in effective evangelism
- Reflect on the importance of mission and evangelism in the life of the Church
- Have a practical understanding of what mission can mean in a local church context
- Relate well to those outside the church
H 2: Candidates should have a knowledge and understanding of mission and evangelism
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Show a wide and inclusive understanding of mission which includes: proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom; teaching, baptising and nurturing new believers; responding to human need by loving service; seeking to transform unjust structures of society; safeguarding the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the earth
- Reflect upon the role of the Church in God’s mission in the world
- Understand the difference between mission and evangelism
- Reflect on the value of having a diversity of approaches to evangelism
H 3: Candidates should have effective communication skills for mission and evangelism
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Talk about Jesus Christ and the good news of the Kingdom in a way that is exciting, accessible and attractive
- Communicate well in language which people with different levels of knowledge can understand
H 4: Candidates should be able to enable others in mission and evangelism
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity and potential to:
- Help others to explore and come to faith
- Enable and equip others to witness to their faith in Christ
H 5: Candidates should be able to engage with contemporary culture
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Reflect upon the opportunities for interaction between contemporary culture and the Gospel, especially the varieties of Welsh culture
- Show sufficient imagination, insight and flexibility to engage critically with contemporary culture
For candidates sponsored as having the potential to exercise ministry with incumbent responsibilities
H 6: Candidates should have potential for engaging in mission-shaped ministry Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity and potential to:
- Be open to new and enterprising ways of engaging with mission and evangelism
- Be creative, innovative and pioneering
- Reflect on past experiences of mission and evangelism, identifying both successes and failures, and to reflect on how this experience might affect the future shape of their ministry
Criterion I: Quality of Mind
Candidates should have the necessary intellectual capacity and quality of mind to undertake satisfactorily a course of theological study and ministerial preparation and to cope with the intellectual demands of ministry. They should demonstrate a desire to learn through the integration of academic study and reflection on experience and a commitment to this as a lifelong process of learning and formation. Candidates should show flexibility of mind, openness to change and challenge, and the capacity to facilitate learning and theological reflection within the Church community.
I 1: Candidates should have an ability to learn
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Show ways in which s/he has gained new understanding, knowledge and skills
- Have a realistic understanding of how s/he learns
- Work well with others who learn in different ways
- Have the potential for developing his/ her critical faculties
- Have the ability to benefit from theological training.
I 2: Candidates should be open to learning and formation
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Show a positive attitude and self-motivation towards the discipline of study
- Show a commitment to intellectual exploration and life-long learning
- Reflect on ways that s/he is open to personal development and formation
- Be teachable
I 3: Candidates should have flexibility of mind
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Explore new ideas imaginatively and possess intellectual curiosity
- Be open to other people’s perspectives and to being challenged as a way of growing
and developing
- Think on his/her feet
- Express him/herself well both orally and in written work
- Formulate a cogent argument, which is well structured and organised
- Live with questions which do not permit easy answers
I 4: Candidates should be able to reflect
Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity to:
- Make connections between life and faith and to engage in critical reflection
For candidates sponsored as having the potential to exercise ministry with incumbent responsibilities
I 5: Candidates should have the potential to be a theological leader in mission Evidence for this may be drawn from a candidate’s capacity and potential to:
- Use Biblical and theological understanding in discussion of people’s questions about ethical and contemporary issues and matters which catch the public imagination
- Be an effective and articulate public apologist for Christian faith in the public arena