Pilgrimages in a year of celebration

Dear Gwalia! I know there are,
Towns lovelier than ours.
And fairer hills and loftier far,
And groves more full of flowers.
And boskier woods more blithe with spring,
And bright with birds' adorning.
And sweeter bards than I to sing,
Their praise this beautious morning.
So begins the Reverend Eli Jenkins’ morning hymn of praise, in Dylan Thomas’ ever-lovely “Under Milk Wood”. It is an ode to rootedness in place. A love-letter to a landscape, a locality, a people; recognising that though the grass may indeed be greener on the far side of the hill, it is better not to long for what could be, but to seek what is good in what we have.
This sentiment is at the heart of the Pilgrimage Project for this centenary year of our Diocese of Swansea and Brecon. This is an attempt to gather in once place the different pilgrimage routes and sacred walks in our diocese. Some of these routes stretch back deep into the early history of the Church in this land, commemorating distant saints known to us now only by name and myth. Others are recent attempts to bring together churches and chapels that share a common landscape, and to encourage fellowship between congregations.
This project is an attempt to show the sacred heritage of which we are the inheritors, and encourage us to consider what we will leave to generations yet unborn. It is also an encouragement to see ourselves not as isolated parishes or ministry areas, but as a diocesan family, united under one bishop, no matter how varied our contexts may be.
Thank you to those who have sent in pilgrimage routes already. (A special thank you to those clergy who suggested “the walk from my vicarage to the pub” or “the route from my arm-char to the gin-cabinet” as potential routes for inclusion.) There is still scope for sending in new routes before Easter. I can be reached on s.v.aldred@gmail.com
All of these pilgrimages will then be included on the same page on the diocesan website, bringing them to new audiences.
In Christ,
The Reverend Sam Aldred
Bishop’s Officer for Spirituality and Retreats