How we help

Unlike many other Cathedrals, Brecon has no endowment. The Friends’ annual income provides much needed financial support.
Until the successful Choir Endowment Appeal in 2014, the Friends paid for the Choir’s music needs and a proportion of the assistant organist’s salary.
In the 1990s Friends contributions included a new guidebook; picture cleaning and lighting; one of the ten bells for the new peal; tree surgery in the churchyard; new gates to the Cathedral Close; an architectural study of Cathedral and Outbuildings; a Processional Cross; the 900 Anniversary Celebrations; the lychgates.
In the 2000s the Friends funded raising the colours in Havard Chapel; repairs to the/a new Vestry Roof; the Muniment Room Library; repairs to the Tower; Canon’s Cushions; central heating.
In the 2010s Friends paid for cassocks and surplices; Choir Room furniture; the cathedral website; lighting; an organ humidifier; the new kitchen and toilets at the south entrance; the entrance lobby and Visitor Facilities.