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Eco Church

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English content

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Swansea and Brecon is an Eco Diocese.This follows a decision at the 2019 Diocesan Conference and means that we are working to be more environmentally aware and responsible, both through diocesan structures and with as many churches as possible signing up to A Rocha’s Eco Church scheme.The scheme works by taking you through a number of questions, which may judge how well you’re doing, but more importantly give ideas about actions that could be taken, both large and small. You can have a look through the questions here.Please don't stop there, though. Registration is free, will show you how you measure up, and importantly will witness to our commitment to care for God’s world.Gill Knight,Chair of the diocesan Eco Church working group.

Welsh content

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If you are looking for potential funding to help you carry out your Eco Church activities, especially activities that involve engaging with the local community, then remember that the Mission Fund offers grants to projects that welcome new people into the church and its grounds.Details can be found here.Funding is also available from the Churches & Pastoral Fund for projects looking to upgrade their church buildings to make them more eco-friendly.You can contact Kes Seymour at the Diocesan Office about both funds –

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The latest news and resources

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Eco Church

Planting in a pandemic: St Paul’s Church's orchard project

Eco Church

Archbishop Justin addresses faith leaders ahead of COP26

Eco Church

Biodiversity Hotspots across Wales project

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Helpful websites

Green Christian

Caring for God's Acre

One World Week

Renew Wales

Church of England advice

Operation Noah

Parish Buying

World Council of Churches toolkit