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£300k grant for Faith in Families project

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Faith in Families has been awarded £298,489 to develop its Brighter Futures project from the National Lottery Community Fund.Faith in Families piloted the Brighter Futures project from May 2019, after research and consultation with its communities, funded by the Charles Plater Foundation, Children in Need and Swansea Council for Voluntary Services.Faith in Families CEO Cherrie Bija said: "In our first year we have engaged with 108 families and supported 129 children intensely who were disengaged from education and their communities and at risk of exclusion. During an end of year evaluation 94% of children stated they could now talk about their worries where they could not before, 89 % said they could calm themselves down if they got anxious and 90% said they could now control their temper.“We are absolutely thrilled that we will now be able to reach more children and expand the project further in our Swansea Cwtches. Children that were disengaged before the pandemic are disproportionally being affected by the crisis and need our support now more than ever."I'd like to say a big thanks to the National Lottery Community Fund and National Lottery players for supporting Brighter Futures It’s making an incredible difference to people’s lives and the community."

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