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Text block 1

Parsonage Board InspectorSIMON HOLLANDHas responsibility for the care of all parsonages within the Diocese. Manages the programme of maintenance, alteration, improvement and replacement of parsonages to ensure that parsonages are adequate and safe for our clergy and their families.

Welsh content

Text block 2

Property and HeritageLIZ WHEATManages the parsonage and Diocesan Trust portfolios, leads the Diocesan Heritage Forum, works with relevant external bodies on planning matters and heritage. E-mail: 01874 611891

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Diocesan Churches InspectorRICHARD HOLLOCKSInspection of churches, together with strategic and development advice to Ministry Areas.Email: 01874 623716

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Administrative AssistantsKES SEYMOURProvides administrative support for the Churches & Pastoral Committee, Funding and Grants Adviser.Tel: 01874 623716.Email: ELTON Provides administrative support for the Parsonage Board, responsible for Vacancy Management for Parsonage Board and Diocesan Trust.Email:

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Diocesan Advisory Committee SecretaryALISON AMPHLETT (PART-TIME)Administers faculty applications and the work of the Diocesan Advisory Committee for the Care of Churches.Tel: 01874 640650.E-mail: