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Affordable homes nearing completion

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Four new bungalows at St John's Church in Birchgrove in Swansea are nearing completion.The homes are being built as part of the Faith in Affordable Housing (FiAH) project, which in this instance is a partnership of Housing Justice Cymru, the Church in Wales and housing provider Pobl Group, that sees surplus land being used for affordable housing.The four two-bedroom bungalows are being built on land adjacent to St John’s Church in Birchgrove. Three of the homes will be let by Pobl, with the fourth being developed and funded by the parish through proceeds from the land sale and additional funding. FiAH is managed by Housing Justice Cymru and was set up to encourage churches of all denominations to release surplus land and buildings for affordable housing.Archbishop John said: “When the Church has land which is surplus to its own requirements, it’s always good news to see it being put to good use for another purpose. The St John’s Birchgrove Project is just such an example of this happening, and the partnership between Housing Justice Cymru, the Church in Wales and Pobl is a wonderful example of joint working to provide people with much needed homes.”

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