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Two charities to benefit from Bishop's Lent Appeal

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Faith in Families and Action around Bethlehem Children with Disability (ABCD) are this year's chosen charities for Bishop John's Lent Appeal.Faith in Families - part of the diocese's Board for Social Responsibility - is making a real difference to children and families facing many issues. Its Family Centres in Swansea and Brecon offer a range of services from childcare to lunch clubs, inspiring those it serves, and helping them succeed.ABCD improves the lives of children with disabilities across Palestine regardless of faith, race or gender. Because the Bishop’s Fund for Emergencies is itself a CAF (charitable) fund, it is not possible to Gift Aid money direct to it. Cheques for the Appeal should be made out to the ‘Bishop of Swansea & Brecon (Emergency)’ and should be sent to: The Diocesan Centre, Cathedral Close, Brecon, Powys LD3 9DP .Payments may be specifically directed to either charity. If not specified, payments will be divided equally.

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