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Churches to open their doors for Gower Pilgrimage Weekend

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Churches across Gower will be opening their doors for a pilgrimage festival later this year.Following in the footsteps of last year's successful event, the Gower Pilgrimage Weekend will take place on 23-24 September, with guided walks along the Gower Pilgrimage Way and special pilgrimage services. On Saturday, 23 September, St Gwynour’s Church, Llanernewydd, St Andrew’s Church, Penrice, and St Nicholas’ Church, Nicholaston, which are not normally open to visitors other than for Sunday services, will be open from 10am to 4pm, as part of the Cadw Open Doors initiative.In addition, the other 14 historic churches on the Gower peninsula will be open to visitors on that day: The pilgrimage walk through the Ilston Valley will begin at 3pm , followed at 4pm by a short service of evening prayer at Ilston Church led by Rev'd Sam Aldred, before the return.On Sunday, 24 September, walkers will meet at St Mary’s Church, Rhossili, at 2pm for a walk to Llangennith, followed by a 4pm pilgrimage service at St Cenydd’s Church, led by Bishop John.More information is available here.

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