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Treasurer Pearl steps down after 41 years

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Tributes have been paid to the treasurer of St Gwendoline's Church in Talgarth, who is standing down after 41 years.When Pearl Dray started her role, Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister and the invasion of the Falklands had just begun and, in the course of her service, there have been five vicars of Talgarth."When I was first elected as treasurer in 1982, our biggest concern was the leaking church roof," Pearl said."After a lot of fund-raising, including successful applications to the Lottery Fund and Cadw, we eventually secured our new roof… now, after 41 years, the roof is leaking again!"At Sunday's service, vicar Canon Rowland Edwards paid tribute to Pearl's service, and she was presented with an engraved vase, a bouquet of flowers and a card.Powys County Councillor William Powell, also spoke of Pearl's continuous service, both to the church and the wider Talgarth community: "Pearl took over as church treasurer when I was still in the sixth form at Gwernyfed High School, and, over four decades, she has put in a remarkable shift, not just for the church, but also for the benefit of the community as a whole."We salute her service and wish her a long and happy retirement."

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