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Henry Vaughan Memorial Evensong returns

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The annual memorial service at Llansantffraed Church commemorating Breconshire’s poet Henry Vaughan returns after a three-year Covid break. The formal memorial evensong and followed by wreath laying lasts in the churchyard lasts about 75 minutes. Tea, coffee and cakes will be served from then until 4.45pm. There is no charge for attending the event, but please consider making a donation in aid of maintenance of Llansantffraed Church.This year’s speaker, Jonathan Post is a research professor in the English Department at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He is an authority on the poetry of Henry Vaughan and a member of The Vaughan Association. St Mary’s Priory Choir will lead the evensong and and also sing a specially-written anthem.There are three lay-bys off the A40 for parking. Most vehicles should park in one of two lay-bys (on either side of the A40) to the north (Brecon side) of the Church. Take care if crossing the road. The third lay-by directly below the Church is reserved for the choir and disabled parking. If you need to reserve parking close to the Church, please contact the Churchwarden, Ellen Moorman (07927 557934 ). Portaloo toilet facilities will be provided in the churchyard.

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