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Llangyfelach warm hub will help community tackle cost-of-living crisis

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A Swansea community will have a new warm hub to help local people with the cost-of-living crisis.Llangyfelach Church has received a grant from the Diocese of Swansea and Brecon’s emergency fund to provide the weekly hub in its church hall.It will be open to everyone and will provide refreshments, a place to engage in friendship, access to Wi-Fi, and a host of other activities.Vicar of Llangyfelach, Rev’d Anthony Porter, said: “Acknowledging the anxieties around the significant cost of living, and how we as the church can respond in love and action, a number of the midweek service family suggested we open our church hall to all as a space of warmth and hospitality. “We approached the local community council to support by working together in partnership for the good of all the community which was received very well. “Llangyfelach, although close to many amenities, has a poor transport link; one bus every few hours. This therefore limits where and how residents can access support networks and advice. Holding a warm hub at Llangyfelach to serve the community is central, accessible, and most importantly welcoming and warm.”The diocese is providing £165,000 for new and existing church projects that address social outreach and look to help meet identified local needs arising from the crisis.Projects will include existing provision of food banks and warm banks, as well as new ideas to address local issues.“Like many churches, we want to show the love of Jesus to everyone and by committing ourselves to such a pressing reality, we hope that others will see maybe a glimpse of Jesus in our actions and turn their hearts to him,” Anthony said.

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