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BRF rose for Anna Chaplain Trina

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Rev'd Trina Lodge has received a rose from a grateful supporter of the of Anna Chaplaincy for Older People.This year, the Bible Reading Fellowship has been inviting the BRF community to give or plant a BRF centenary rose as it celebrates 100 years of ministry. One supporter bought two roses to express his gratitude and Trina was chosen to receive one.Anna Chaplain Trina said: "I’ve always had passion to help older people," Trina, who has previously worked in a care home, said. "It made me realise how desperately some people needed visitors. For some people, it was incredibly lonely – but working there, I didn’t have time to sit and chat."There’s such a desperate need for company,. That led me into Anna Chaplaincy, because I wanted to raise the profile of what we could do to help older people. I think there’s an awful lot more we should be doing as churches, too: our lovely rural churches are not very accessible."Trina explained how she was able to pick up a wheelchair through Facebook that enabled an older lady with mobility problems to get into the church, and now it’s available for anyone to use."I had no thoughts that I would receive a rose," says Trina. "I got the call – which was wonderful – telling me to look out for a rose, and this amazing box arrived It was beautifully packaged and I was excited to open it and see this very healthy looking and good-sized plant."We are having an open garden next month to raise funds for our churches, and I was needing another rose for a little rose bed. It couldn’t be more perfect."

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