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Bishop's Lent Appeal to raise money for Ukraine refugees

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Dear Friends,Having just been made aware that traditionally the Bishop of Swansea and Brecon would name a charitable group that the diocese might support in Lent, I would like to suggest the following.All of us are painfully aware of the tragic scenes of the unfolding events in Ukraine. To date, just under two million people have fled their homes to try and find refuge. Many millions more find themselves trapped and afraid in intolerable conditions, and witnesses to appalling and unacceptable acts of violence.Many of our churches have already decided to support various charitable organisations that have moved swiftly to provide aid to people in need, both in Ukraine and in the adjoining countries to which many - taking only what they have been able to carry with them - have fled.Christian Aid is working with its partners to distribute food and other life-saving essentials to people on the Ukrainian borders fleeing the deadly violence It is also calling for people to add their voices to the petition launched by Together With Refugees member, Freedom From Torture, which calls on the UK Government to provide humanitarian support to the people of Ukraine. You can donate to the appeal and sign the petition here.I would like to applaud and endorse the many acts of kindness and sacrifice that churches in our diocese have already made and would encourage those who have not yet found the opportunity to help, to do so, as we journey together through Lent and focus our lives upon the one who sacrificed all so that we might find life.+John

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