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St John Cymru to recruit senior county/regional chaplains

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St John Cymru Wales is inviting Christian ministers of all denominations to apply for the new role of senior county/regional chaplains in Powys and West Glamorgan, as well as Mid Glamorgan, Cardiff & the Vale, and Gwent.St John is rooted in its Christian foundations and chaplains have an important role in fulfilling its ‘Pro Fide – For the Faith’ origins.The new chaplains will have a pivotal role to play in leading a group of chaplains in providing ecclesiastical and pastoral support within their county as well as having the opportunity to influence decision making by being a member of the Priory for Wales Pro Fide Committee.This role will require an enhanced DBS.You can submit a letter of application by e-mail: information is available from Laura Hughes, Order Officer, on 02920 449646.

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