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Join Eco Church working group’s online get-together

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There’s a chance to find out more about Eco Church at an online event later this month.The diocese’s Eco Church working group has organised the online event on February 9 at 11am and its chair Gill Knight said: Bring your coffee and meet us on Zoom to chat about your experiences of 'greening' whether registered as Eco Church or just thinking about it. “People from churches around the diocese will talk briefly about their different stories of becoming an Eco Church, and its effect on life, worship and community relations. Someone representing Eco Church will also be joining us.“This will be followed by time for questions and discussion of the issues that concern you, which could include anything from help with completing the registration form to the question of what to do next after the obvious things have been done. ”Do come along - it will be a great opportunity to get in touch with folk at different stages of the exciting journey we are on."You can register in advance here.After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

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