Hafan Newyddion


Newyddion esgobaethol

Worship at Llangennith and Llanrhidian

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Newyddion esgobaethol

Faith in Families delivers for communities throughout pandemic

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Newyddion esgobaethol

Digital Ministry webinar to focus on Remembrance

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Newyddion esgobaethol

Expert panel to focus on slavery

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Newyddion esgobaethol

Join Parish of Killay for worship

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Newyddion esgobaethol

Builth's St Mary's to reopen for worship this Sunday

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Newyddion esgobaethol

Bishops join call against Palestine annexation

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Newyddion esgobaethol

Mae’r eglwysi’n dod o’r cyfnod clo gydag ysbryd newydd, meddai’r Archesgob

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Newyddion esgobaethol

Mandy joins the diocese as Outreach Enablement Officer

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Newyddion esgobaethol

C40 Cities' Mark Watts pays visit to Crickhowell

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