Hafan Newyddion


Newyddion esgobaethol

Lent resources available at the Lamplighter

Darllen mwy

Newyddion esgobaethol

Faith in Families launches crowdfund for Brighter Futures

Darllen mwy

Newyddion esgobaethol

Repair Cafe helps bring community together

Darllen mwy

Newyddion esgobaethol

Yr Eglwys yn lansio cynllun 10-pwynt tuag at sero net

Darllen mwy

Newyddion esgobaethol

The latest issue of Cymuned is out now

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Newyddion esgobaethol

Faith in Families raises £10,000 for Christmas campaign

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Newyddion esgobaethol

Plans for our diocese as we move into 2023

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Newyddion esgobaethol

Bishop John's Christmas message

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Newyddion esgobaethol

Brecon Cathedral joins Gift for Christmas appeal

Darllen mwy

Newyddion esgobaethol

Ven Peter installed and collated as Archdeacon for Ministry Areas

Darllen mwy