Hafan Newyddion


Newyddion esgobaethol

Diocese asks for government review of school closure plan

Darllen mwy

Newyddion esgobaethol

Cathedral's chorister recruitment video gets its premiere

Darllen mwy

Newyddion esgobaethol

Rev'd Rana receives Lambeth Award for interfaith work

Darllen mwy

Newyddion esgobaethol

Bishop's Lent Appeal to raise money for Ukraine refugees

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Newyddion esgobaethol

Bishop John's enthronement: live-stream and order of service

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Newyddion esgobaethol

Bishop John to be enthroned at Brecon Cathedral this Saturday

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Newyddion esgobaethol

Prayer vigil and appeal for the people of Ukraine

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Newyddion esgobaethol

Bishop John consecrated at Bangor Cathedral

Darllen mwy

Newyddion esgobaethol

Gwasanaeth cysegru Esgobion i’w ffrydio’n fyw am y tro cyntaf

Darllen mwy

Newyddion esgobaethol

Prayers for peace in Ukraine at St Mary's

Darllen mwy